
For me happiness is the calmness of the sea,
Or listening to the buzzing of a bee,
The insects making noise at night,
Resting on the beach with the sunset in sight,
Feeding a hungry dog by the road
Or finding a critical bug in a code,
Finding a good place to sleep when I am high,
Clearing the finishing line of a race after letting out a long sigh,
Getting the bite of a chicken after hours of craving,
Seeing my bank balance after two years of saving,
Having a cigarette​ by the window pane late in the night,
Peace offering through ice cream after a heated fight,
Finding a shade on a sunny afternoon,
Or just stare at flying colorful balloons,
Meeting old friends after a long time,
Projecting the shine of a golden dime,
Getting a place to sit on a crowded train,
Or a childish attempt to outrun a plane,
The smell of earth when it first rains,
Finding solution to a math problem after hours of racking my brains,
Reuniting with known ones after getting lost in a crowd,
Doing something to make my parents proud,
Dance to my favorite song by myself,
Finding old childhood pictures on the top shelf,
Erasing memories of the people I hate,
Securing a chance for a second date,
Sipping a cup of chai in the morning,
Laughing off on a mom's warning,
Following a paper boat along the stream,
Seeing my loved one in every dream....


  1. Beautiful keep the Good work going i am glad that you included all the daily things that we simply ignore for our internal peace and happiness.


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